John Hollenback: Chairman
John, a rancher who lives along Gold Creek, started the WRC Board in 1998 as a way to work with neighboring landowners. John has been WRC Chairman for 16 years, and also serves on several other boards, including the Planning Board, Bank Board, State Range Committee, National Range Committee, Fire District Board, and Knights of Columbus.
Contact John at 406.490.3425 or 406.288.3382
Bruce Thomas, Vice Chairman
Bruce is a rancher within the Gold Creek watershed, and has been a board member since 2007. He believes that the WRC fills an important niche teaching and promoting sustainable ranching within the Upper Clark Fork Watershed. Bruce also works with several other associations including the Montana Stockgrowers Association, the Montana Hereford Association, and the Powell County Planning Board.
Contact Bruce at or 406.544.1536
Dan McQueary – Treasurer
Dan resides within the Peterson, Fred Burr, and Cottonwood Creek watersheds. He has been living on a ranch since age 5, working as a rancher for 45 years, and operated his own ranch for 21 of those years. Dan has served on the WRC board since 2006, primarily to help landowners’ during the Superfund cleanup process. Dan also works with the Deer Lodge Valley Fire Department, Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Cattlemen’s Association, National Cattleman’s Beef Association, and R-Calf USA.
Contact Dan at 406.846.1265 or 406.560.1469
Cam Balentine
Cam is an Environmental Engineer at Solvay USA Inc., as well as a cattle rancher along Browns Gulch. He has served on the WRC board for 9 years, acting as the representative from Browns Gulch watershed. He believes that one of the best ways to improve the Upper Clark Fork is to restore its headwaters, like Browns Gulch. Cam is also a supervisor at the Mile High Conservation District.
Contact Cam at or 406.782.5108
Pete Dallaserra
Pete lives in the Browns Gulch watershed, and also serves on the Mile High Conservation District and the Resource Conservation Advisory Council. He believes that working with the WRC is a good way to get involved in maintaining the health of the watershed for the people who live here today, and for future generations who will live in the Upper Clark Fork.
Contact Pete at 406.782.5128
Monica Anderson – information coming soon
Brian Chaffen – CFC Ex. Dir. – information coming soon